Ukraine Emergency

Save the Children Spain

Amount achieved:16.200 €
32 %50.000 €



More than a million people have been forced to leave the country as refugees, more than 40% of whom are children. Save the Children has been working since 2014 in the most conflict-ridden area of Ukraine, in the Donbas area, and now more than ever, it has to reinforce its aid.
Your help will guarantee coverage of the immediate needs of children who are victims of the conflict through:

  • Distribution of basic items: protection against the winter cold, personal protection against COVID 19, hygiene kits, menstrual kits, and non-food items.
  • Psychological and psycho-emotional help for children and their families.
  • Cash transfers for families without resources to cover basic needs, such as food and medicine.
  • Child protection to prevent family separation during displacement and the creation of safe spaces for children.
  • Generate a reception network on the borders of nearby countries, such as Poland, Lithuania or Romania, where we have already seen the opening of two camps for Ukrainian refugees. 
  • Ensuring education is not interrupted.

Save the Children was born 100 years ago to care for children who were victims of a huge humanitarian emergency: the First World War. Now more than ever its mission lives on.



Donations and comments

Anonymous donated €10 2 years ago

"Siempre es la población civil la mas débil quien son las verdaderas victimas.Animo."

Ventura Benítez donated €20 2 years ago
SONIA Cuadern Roselló donated €10 2 years ago

"Todos por la paz, para que esta guerra ponga punto y final porque en el siglo que estamos ver a estas alturas este crimen es una auténtica barbarie, dialogar..."

Kane Boulton donated €100 2 years ago

"QBE España"

Anonymous donated €50 2 years ago

"Ojalá este donativo llegue para los que lo necesitan."

Ekaterina Butsyna donated €5 2 years ago


Anonymous donated €5 2 years ago
Anonymous donated €20 2 years ago
Anonymous donated €100 2 years ago
Alicia Briones donated €50 2 years ago